Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Beginning Stages And Dating Life

Caleb and I had our first date on January 31, 2009 after playing phonetag for a few weeks. He was very cute and definitly knows how to win a girls heart. He let me choose the activity and told me that the sky was the limit as long as we got to go to Paradise Cafe for dinner so that he could let me try the cookies from Heaven! On his way to pick me up he got lost and I got to sit on my balcony as I watched him pull into two wrong parkinglots before he found mine! I am surprised he called for directions becuase he doesn't like doing that, what a typical guy eh! Anyways, we ended up going to Paradise Cafe and then we went iceskating at Seven Peaks. Iceskating is my favorite! It was a lot of fun and he even held my hand! Who does that on the first date! It was good though, I didn't mind! Then he dropped me off 10:30! I didn't really know what to do cause it was kind of early for a date to end I thought maybe he was't interested or something!

I did not hear from him for a few weeks so I thought it was over! Then while I was on a trip to Arizona where I almost died on a private jet he called again! Inviting me to Melinda's house to visit her for her birthday. We spent hours talking while we waited for Melind and Spencer to get home (I love being able to talk to guys for hours it's a good sign) then we played the WII and just hung out with Melinda and Spencer.

The Jet I thought I was going to die in on my way to Arizona

Our third Date was AMAZING! It was Valentine's Day! The day before, we were texting while I was supposed to be on a date, good thing the other guy was late, otherwise I might not had gotten my first ever date on Valentine's day! It took Cabe forever to finally get the words out to ask me but I didn't mind, it was really fun to text! He finally asked me and I said yes! I was so excited to finally get a date for Valentine's Day! We went to the Brick Oven for dinner and then we went to Comedy Sports and then on our way to go country dancing he saved me from being hit by a car! I love country music and so Cabe was very thoughtful and took me dancing! Neither of us know how to country dance so we just watched other people and made up some moves! He held my hand again and for real this time! He even brought me a rose and said, "Every girl deserves and flower on Valentine's Day! It was on this date we both decided that we would be ok if this went somewhere!

After Valentine's Day we went out a few times a week and had a great time, cooking together, bowling, and going to movies, grading first graders homework (Cabe had to be in love if he came, spending hours in Eagle Mountain grading papers just so that I could get finished so that I could go to a Raskal Flatts concert I really wanted to go to) and going to first grade birthday parties. I lived in Eagle Mountain which is 45 minutes away from Springville so I ended up sleeping at mom and dad's most nights so that I could see Caleb.

One night Cabe had an appointment in Saratoga Springs for work so afterwards we met at the grocery store and bought some dinner stuff and barbequed at my appartment. Then we played connect four and built towers! On a side note this is one of my favorite outfits Cabe wears.

At Cabe's house for his dad's birthday, Melinda and dad Bowen got camera happy and took several pictures of us. We are a cute couple, what can I say.

"You should look at each other" says Melinda.

St. Patrick's Day at mom and dad Bybee's house making Argentine food from Caleb's mission (Empanadas) with sherbet and 7up and brownies for dessert. Yes we had both, I felt like chocolate and Cabe felt like sherbet. 7up and sherbet quickly became our favorite treat which is why it was our refreshment at our reception.

Friday March 27th- Iceskating with Megan's family, Brody, and Joe. This was a lot of fun! Funny story about this night...After iceskating Caleb wanted to show me a cook castle up on a hill in Provo so we parked and walked up a hill to where this castle was and on the balcony of the the castle there were a bunch of candles in the shape of a heart with a coupld dozen roses in the middle. My heart started pounding and I started getting really anxious but we kept walking up. I kept thinking that Cabe was going to perpose and then we saw another couple walking up and they walked over the candles and got engaged. I was a little bumbed but kind of releaved at the same time that it was not for me! hahaha!

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